2-Minute Apps

✨NEW: Get a high-converting landing page in just 72 hours

Build 🛠️ and launch 🚀 your app at ⚡️light speed

🧑‍💻 Rapid full-stack development expertise, honed over a decade

😌 Available as a simple monthly subscription

📦 We get ship done

NFNA Logosugarfit LogoClapstream LogoMoonsama LogoTeemac LogoAhuja Classes Logo

Latest Work

Projects either currently in production or retired after years of use by paying customers


Virtual Festival Walkthrough

Virtual Festival Menu

Virtual Festival Menu

Virtual Festival Chat

Virtual Festival Chat

Shopping at a Virtual Festival

Shopping at a Virtual Festival

Livestream Ticketing

Livestream Ticketing

Virtual Establishment with a Live-streamed Show, Games over Interactive

Virtual Establishment with a Live-streamed Show, Interactive Video and Chat and Ordering.

On-demand Learning with Pay-to-Unlock Media, Watch-Party Style Group Study Sessions, UI to Request Clarifications and More.

On-demand Learning with Pay-to-Unlock Media & Rich Interactivity.

Flash-cards game to help students learn and retain information.

Flash-cards Game for a Learning Platform

NFT Customizer for Moonsama

NFT Customizer to tweak traits and nest NFTs.

A Nutrition Plan Builder

A Nutrition Plan Builder

Client Profile Screen for Nutritionists’ Reference

Client Profile Screen for Nutritionists’ Reference

Client Plan Creation and Listing

Client Plan Creation and Listing

First-Launch Experience of a Hybrid Social Platform

First-Launch Experience of a Hybrid Social Platform

Event Listing on a Hybrid Social Platform

Event Listing on a Hybrid Social Platform

Event Cancellation on a Hybrid Social Platform

Event Cancellation on a Hybrid Social Platform

Custom Blog for a Healthcare Company

Custom Blog for a Healthcare Company

Results Screen for a Healthcare Company

Results Screen for a Healthcare Company

Plan Listing with Purchase Functionality

Plan Listing with Purchase Functionality

Listing Plan Inclusions on a Product Card

Listing Plan Inclusions on a Product Card

Student Lookup UI for Univeristy Administrators

Student Lookup UI for Univeristy Administrators


Ishan has always delivered more than what was expected. You just need to tell him the objective and he will come up with ideas to make it better. We did multiple complex projects together and he made everything look super easy. I highly recommend his services to anyone.

Rohit Kumar

Rohit Kumar

Growth at Sugarfit

Pixel-perfect Apps
Through 1-week Sprints

  • schedule

    1Subscribe to a plan and schedule your kickoff meeting

  • develop

    2We start designing and developing right after kickoff

  • complete

    3Receive a functional app update at the end of the 1-week sprint for review and release

Our Secret Sauce

GPT + Tamagui + Solito + Expo + Next.js

We build with an insanely productive tech stack, allowing us to produce in weeks, work that traditionally takes months.

For UI we use Tamagui, a highly performant UI kit (and more) that allows us to share an unprecedented amount of code across Android, iOS and the web, enabling us to develop for all three platforms in tandem, fast!

Further, we lean heavily on GPT-powered code-generation leading to a significant speed-up in feature delivery.

Ishan's aptitude for owning projects end-to-end, balancing quality code with delightful nuances, consistently earned my respect. His passion for the field was always evident as he kept up with trends and leveraged cutting-edge frameworks wherever possible. But what truly distinguished him was his genuine empathy for the end user, evident in every detail.

Ashwin Chandran

Ashwin Chandran

What can we build for you?

We have wide-ranging, decade-long experience in building solutions for all kinds of businesses

  • Bring intelligence to your app, integrating models like GPT-4 and Whisper, or even Stable Diffusion.


    Bring intelligence to your app, integrating models like GPT-4 and Whisper, or even Stable Diffusion.

  • Offer your app as a service with recurring billing, trials, teams, and other common SaaS features.


    Offer your app as a service with recurring billing, trials, teams, and other common SaaS features.

  • Teaching and learning tools, including video conferencing, whiteboards, assignment submission and more.

    Landing Pages

    Teaching and learning tools, including video conferencing, whiteboards, assignment submission and more.

  • Add e-commerce functionality to your app, whether as a headless shopify app, or a custom solution.


    Add e-commerce functionality to your app, whether as a headless shopify app, or a custom solution.

  • Integrate Live-streamed and on-demand video and audio experiences in your app.

    Live Streaming and VoD

    Integrate Live-streamed and on-demand video and audio experiences in your app.

  • Social functionality like user profiles, feeds, messaging, followers, and more.


    Social functionality like user profiles, feeds, messaging, followers, and more.

  • Your app can integrate with Apple Health and Google Fit, to surface health metrics, nudges, etc.


    Your app can integrate with Apple Health and Google Fit, to surface health metrics, nudges, etc.

  • Teaching and learning tools, including video conferencing, whiteboards, assignment submission and more.


    Teaching and learning tools, including video conferencing, whiteboards, assignment submission and more.

You can take a big picture business requirement to Ishan, and trust him to execute a product with empathy for the end user, and refined taste. His method is to break down a product idea into a set of assumptions and create MVPs that can go out quickly for real world tests with end users. This has helped us spend less time going down the wrong path, and more time hearing from our users.

Tarun Markose

Tarun Markose

I used Ishan's app Clapstream for a few mad, mad gigs during the Covid lockdowns. I remember him talking about it as an early idea in mid-March and in mid-May the app was ready and I held my first gig. I found the platform to be very high quality in terms of the audio and video, and my fans really appreciated the quality, seamlessness and the unique interactive features. Cheers to Ishan!

Gulshan Jethwani

Gulshan Jethwani


Faster or Fastest?

Pick the development velocity that works best for you

  • Escape Velocity

    Introductory Price

    $2,200 $1,750/weekly sprint

    $7,000 payable monthly

    What’s Included

    • Twice the scope of work (see example scopes)

    • Basic MVP ready in 1 sprint

    • Weekly 45-minute sprint planning call

    • Transparent project management on Trello

    • Design and development of your app for iOS, Android and Web

    • Weekly app updates

    • Open, 2-way communication via Slack or Texts

    • Pause or cancel anytime

    Get Started
    Only 2 slots left
    — or —Book a Call
  • Pedal to the Metal

    Introductory Price

    $1,100 $950/weekly sprint

    $3,800 payable monthly

    What’s Included

    • Regular scope of work (see example scopes)

    • Basic MVP ready in 2 sprints

    • Weekly 30-minute sprint planning call

    • Transparent project management on Trello

    • Design and development of your app for iOS, Android and Web

    • Weekly app updates

    • Open, 2-way communication via Slack or Texts

    • Pause or cancel anytime

    Get Started
    Only 4 slots left
    — or —Book a Call
  • High-Converting Landing Page

    Get a landing page made for your app or service and grow a mailing list of prospective users

    Introductory Price

    $1,200 $950

    One-time payment

    What’s Included

    • 72 hour turn-around time

    • Single, high-converting landing page

    • Email-based waitlist functionality

    • "Invite a friend" functionality

    • Google Analytics/Amplitude Setup

    • Google Search Console setup + SEO

    • Preview image, title and subtitle for social media sharing

    • Open, 2-way communication via Slack or Texts

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the process look like?

Upon subscription, you and your team will be added to a private Trello board where you can start creating a prioritized list of features (or changes) you want in your app. At the start of each sprint, we'll sit with you on a call to pluck features from this list to create the sprint plan. We'll then work on the features for the next 6 days and deliver the app to you for testing and release. The process then repeats for the next sprint.

What can I expect to get done in 1 sprint?

For most apps, you can expect to have an MVP out in 1 Escape Velocity sprint or in 2 Pedal to the Metal sprints. Take a look at some example sprint scopes for an idea of what can be achieved in a sprint.

Who are the creators of 2-Minute Apps?

2-Minute Apps is run by Ishan Ahuja, a full-stack developer and designer with 10+ years of experience building apps for startups and enterprises. A few designers and developers work with him on a contract basis to help with the workload.

What tools and frameworks do you work with?

Most of our apps are built with Expo and Next.js using the Tamagui UI Kit. It allows us to share a lot of UI code across iOS, Android and Web, is highly productive and has great performance. On the backend, we use Firebase and Supabase for most apps, but we are open to using other libraries, frameworks and tools if you have a preference. We build our landing pages with Framer, a powerful no-code website creation app. If you would prefer to have us build your landing page with Webflow, just let us know and we'll build it with Webflow instead.

What if I am not satisfied with the deliverable?

Not a problem. We encourage you to bring this up on your next sprint planning call so that we can incorporate your suggestions in the next sprint.

Is there any minimum commitment?

The plans are payable monthly, so you are committing to 4 sprints at a time. However, when you don't have 4 sprints worth of work, you can easily pause the subscription after a week-long sprint and resume it when you are ready so you're not wasting any portion of your subscription.

Are there any contracts to use your service?

No, there are no contracts and no lock-in. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Do you work on adding functionality or making changes to existing apps?

Generally, we only work on apps that we have built. However, if you have an existing app that you would like us to work on, please reach out to us at hello@2minuteapps.co and we can discuss it.

Who owns the intellectual property that is created?

The client owns all the code, design and all the other intellectual property. We will provide you with one or more GitHub repositories that you will have full ownership of.

Do you also take care of hosting the app and any other operations?

We require that you, the client, sign up for hosting and any other services that are required to run the app. We will help you with this process and provide guidance on what to sign up for. This is so that the client has full ownership of the app and is not at our whim to keep their product running.

Why wouldn't I just hire full-time designers and developers?

Great question! A senior full stack developer will easily cost you upwards of $100,000 per year, not to mention the time and effort it takes to find the right person. With 2-Minute Apps, you get a build your app out for a fraction of the cost. You can also pause or cancel your subscription when the app is complete and you want to put all your efforts behind marketing it.

2-Minute Apps

Example Sprint Scopes

All of these scopes would include UI that works across iOS, Android and Web.

The examples below are for a Pedal to the Metal Sprint. The Escape Velocity Sprint would be double the scope, combining two of these.

Example Scope 1: Users

  • New Registrations - Collecting information for their profile (including profile photo upload)
  • User Sign in and Sign out
  • UI for a user to update their profile

Example Scope 2: Going Live

  • Designing the App Icon
  • Designing and Developing the Landing Page (with Analytics integration)
  • App Store Listing Page
  • Play Store Listing Page

Example Scope 3: E-commerce

  • Designing and Developing the Store Home Screen
  • Designing and Developing the Product Details Screen

Example Scope 4

  • UI to accept a user's OpenAI API key
  • Chat UI to send prompts to the GPT model for completion
  • A paginated listing of all previous conversations by the user

Example Scope 5: UI to build a nutrition plan for a client

  • Add/Rename/Delete Meals
  • Add/Delete Food Items
  • See the intakes on food item, meal and plan levels
  • Indicator to show when a plan is exceeding certain parameters